Good Co

Hailing from Seattle, WA Good Co is the USA’s first Electro Swing band. Combining the sounds of 1920’s and 30’s jazz with the electronic music of today Good Co uses live horns, vintage samples, and funky beats to create a whole new type of dance party. Since 2012 Good Co has released three albums and has performed throughout the US, Canada, and Europe for music festivals, conventions, burlesque performances, and anywhere else they can sneak into.

In the dingy basement of a Seattle house meant for two (and shared by five) Carey Rayburn started writing music as an escape from his directionless career as a trumpet sideman. “Writing my own music gave me something I could control in my life, something that was mine. But it wasn’t until a friend introduced him to the new sounds of Electro Swing filtering in from Europe that Rayburn had a real direction for his creativity. A huge fan of electronica and jazz it was a perfect fit. And having spent so many nights playing jazz, rock, salsa, and classical in Seattle he knew just who to call to assemble the band that would go on to become Good Co, the United States’ first live Electro Swing band.

Caravan Palace, Daft Punk, Parov Stelar, Fats Waller, Louis Prima, Cab Calloway, Trombone Shorty

Electro Swing, Electronica, Dance, Funk, Swing

Electro Swing Radio