
☀️🎶 Get ready for the season’s groove with our sizzling Summer Swing Playlist, now refreshed on Spotify and Deezer! With the mercury…

Are you already feeling the first whiff of spring breeze? That’s great, because along with this increasingly warm air…

We’re bringing the Roaring Twenties into the new 2020s with our always updated Electro Swing 2022 playlist. It only includes brand new tracks from this year…

We’re bringing the Roaring Twenties into the new 2020s with our always updated Electro Swing 2021 playlist. It only includes brand new tracks from this year…

Do you want the latest and hottest Electro Swing from 2020? Here are the brand new tracks of Electro…

Spooktober is a time of many spooky surprises at Electro Swing Thing. This time we have something to make October…

Happy Spooktober to all the ladies and gents out there! It’s getting colder, darker and it’s time…

We’re bringing the Roaring Twenties into the new 2020s with our always updated Electro Swing 2023 playlist. It only includes brand new tracks from this year…

2025 has only just begun, but Electro Swing artists are already preparing and releasing new tracks for you to get you…

We’re bringing the Roaring Twenties into the new 2020s with our always updated Electro Swing 2023 playlist. It only includes brand new tracks from this year…

Electro Swing Radio