Electro Swing Dance Tutorials 1 by Sven Otten (JustSomeMotion)

You can find here the first 5 tutorials of Sven Otten’s Electro Swing Dance Tutorial series. Enjoy and learn from his worldwide years of experiences. The series includes 11 dancing video parts overall and the following dance steps and moves: Hop Walk, Water Doll, Pendulum, V Travel Tip, V Shifting and Turn Tip. #ItMustSchwing

From his early success as a viral YouTube sensation 7 years ago, Sven Otten – also known as JustSomeMotion – has taken the Electro Swing and dance world by storm with his fancy footwork and upbeat movement style. He learned to dance by his own, watching YouTube tutorials. He filmed his own video at his room and uploaded it in YouTube. Now it has more than 52 million views.

After becoming viral, he did his first publicity campaign in Germany. Also his YouTube success encouraged him to participate in a talent show in Germany, arriving to the semifinals. He became popular in Germany, and now he is having a great success in Italy, where everybody knows him as “il ballerino de la TIM”, as he is the ambassador of the brand. He has just launched in Brazil, as ambassador of Telecom Brasil, also with a great welcoming and he is also shaking the US!

His unique neoswing dancing steps and fast feet-moves are being imitated all over the globe. That’s why he created his Dance-Academy in his YouTube channel, so everybody can learn his style!

Dance Tutorial #1 – Hop Walk

This is the first out of 10 tutorials, Sven Otten tried to sort them by their degree of difficulty. In this one you’ll learn the rather easy Hop Walk. Have a look at it and see who’s joining him. Enjoy!

For those who don’t know which the most important points in the summary at 3:38 are (‘Inara Couto’ translated them for you):

– aus einer Sprungbewegung = from a jumping motion
– Rücken gerade, Arme ruhig = Back straight, arms still
– Fersen hoch! = Heels high!
– Bodenkontakt behalten = keep contact with the ground
– gleichzeitiger Wechsel = simultaneous exchange

Dance Tutorial #2 – Water Doll & Pendulum

This is Sven Otten’s second tutorial. It’s getting a littler tougher this time. He’s going to show you two movements at once: the Water Doll and the Pendulum. But no worries, you can do it! Enjoy and keep going!

Dance Tutorial #3 – V Shifting

In his third tutorial Sven Otten shows you how the v shifting works. To give the arms something to do as well you’ll also learn the traffic navigator. He increased the level of difficulty but he’s confident you’ll handle it. Have fun!

Dance Tutorial #4 – V Travel Tip with Dounia Slimani

The fourth tutorial is now online. The lovely Dounia Slimani is joining Sven Otten and together they’ll learn how to do the V-Travel Tip. She’s also on YouTube and her topics are beauty, fashion and lifestyle. Be sure to check her out as well HERE! She’s totally gorgeous and it was really fun for Sven Otten to dance with her. Enjoy and stay tuned!

Dance Tutorial #5 – Turn Tip

In tutorial number #5 Sven Otten will show you the „Turn Tip“. As promised, this one is going to be a little bit easier than last time. Enjoy and remember: Don’t give up if it doesn’t work straight away.

Stay tuned for Electro Swing Dance Tutorial 6-11 on Saturday!

Sven Otten Socials

Electro Swing Radio