Producer Glenn Gatsby’s New Set ‘Take It Easy’ Is
A Merging Arena Of Creative Resonance

Glenn Gatsby’s release ‘Take It Easy’ is a soulful tribute to old school and contemporary musical connections set in Electro Swing scope.

The various characteristics of a diverse musical scope is being collectively assorted in a captivating frame of electro swing music. The sorcerer, producer, and remixer Glenn Gatsby is making sure that a balanced tribute is displayed in his soundscape that cultures dreams and perceptions. His newly released set ‘Take It Easy – Electro Swing’ is a defining amalgam of electronic dance music along with the strains of swing house, swing hop, and neo-swing. The course is set in an organic manner that naturally unfolds into a subjective arena of creative understanding for the audience. The whole experience of the set allows the audience to resonate with its developing rhythmic patterns in a timely loop.

The artist hails from Oslo, Norway, and is currently associated with the label Electro Swing Thing Records. Although young, his sense and perceptions of music are progressive that curates an individual thematic sound of its own. ‘Take It Easy – Electro Swing’ is a confluence of vintage trails and contemporary club beats that beautifully transcribes the interrelation of musical evolution through the ages. A thematic membrane is created at the end of it all and the audience is left with nothing but a lasting creative impression.

The musical canvas of Glenn Gatsby is ever revolving as he continuously expands his exposure to various music. He mixed EDM with the atoning groove of swing that is brilliantly portrayed through a lapsing rhythmic pattern.

Stream & Download “Take It Easy” HERE!

Review by IssueWire Date: 2020-07-31

Electro Swing Radio