Tag Archive for: Electro Swing

Daisy La Fontaine, the talented multi-instrumentalist and songwriter from Los Angeles who made her Electro Swing…

1000streets – have you heard of this Italian band that will soon shake up the world of Electro Swing? We introduce…

Charleston, Charleston, everybody loves Charleston! Of course everyone knows and loves both this timeless song and…

Any true swing fan is bound to know Glenn Miller’s 1938 hit “Doin’ the Jive”. But are you ready for a brand new…

Ready to let the music of The Soulmate Project touch your soul again? We have another single for you, which has the…

1000streets made their debut with the release of the Electro Swing single ‘Freedom’. And now, after a few years, DJ Mibor…

These 20s certainly won’t be boring! That’s thanks in part to a new remix from Betty Booom, who, as always with…

Bang Bang! Who among us doesn’t love this timeless cult song? It sounds perfect when performed by Masha Ray, but who…

Are you curious to listen how the combination of a traditional song with subtle Electro Swing melodies sounds?…

Do you like the remixes of Alice Francis songs from the ‘Club Noir’ album? If so, we have something you’re sure to…

Electro Swing Radio