Tag Archive for: iSwing

Juda-Bug burst on the scene a couple of years ago with their debut EP, Electro Is The New Swing. The EP featured solid…

Spring is in the air and the tender shoots of fresh flowers will be popping up. A favourite guilty pleasure is listening to Electro Swing while watching everything come back to life…

Welcome back to the blog. Last month Bart&Baker swang their way to the top of the chart with, “Last Night A DJ Swang My Life.” It features Minnie Valentine on vocals…

Welcome back to the Electro Swing music blog. Odd Chap and Little Violet dominated the top of the chart last week with, “Crazy Out There.”…

Welcome back Electro Swingers. “Disco Swing,” from Emma Clair and Alanna Lyes held the Number 1 spot last week. Keep reading to see if they hold the top…

Welcome back to the countdown. Little Violet’s, “Code Red,” topped the chart for a fourth week last week. Keep reading to see if Little Violet hangs on to Number 1…

Welcome back to the blog. Little Violet topped the chart with her sixth chart topper last month, “Code Red.” Keep reading to see if she…

Welcome back to the blog. The Hebbe Sisters and Wolfgang Lohr hit the #1 spot last week with their hot Summer remake of, “It Don’t Mean A Thing.”…

Welcome back to the blog. It’s a couple days later than usual. Hope everyone had an enjoyable long June. Shout out to all who celebrated Canada Day…

Welcome back to the iSwing Top 50. Last week DJ Mibor and Tallulah Goodtimes danced their way to Number 1 with banger, “Dance Into My Dreams.”…

Electro Swing Radio