The Travelling Dancer

The Travelling Dancer (Maciej Gąd) lives in the beautiful city of Wrocław, in the south-west of Poland.
He discovered electro swing quite late in his life, at the age of 36, when Magdalena aka @em.delacrem opened the first classes of this dance in Poland.
Maciej immediately fell in love with this dance, as he is a big fan of electro music (especially trance) and has also been dancing lindy hop for some time.

What Maciej likes about the electro swing dance is the freedom of expression (as he says, it’s more freestyle than choreographic) and the black suit attire.
While dancing, he can’t stop smiling and loves it when his dancing brings a smile to his followers’ faces.

One of his biggest passions is travelling (he has visited 28 countries and still counting!), which is why he performs under the nickname @the_traveling_dancer.

Maciej’s other great passion is the history of the ancient Roman Empire – he is a member of the Roman Legion reenactment group, so he is basically a Roman legionnaire.
One of his favourite dance videos ever is dancing around the ruins of ancient Pompeii. :)

Electro Swing Radio