
Bart&Baker – Hey You! (Single) Including Wolfgang Lohr Remix

Bart&Baker, the joyous duo of French electroswing, release a new song, “Hey You! (I heard you wanna party!)”, a hymn to happy days, an invitation to welcome the future of de-confinement and reconnect to dance parties.

For 10 years, Bart&Baker has produced a unique soundtrack of joyful music for cocktail bars, night clubs and festivals. With the Covid virus impacting all music activities and closing down music centres, the duo decided to write an optimistic track to celebrate future parties.

Nicolle Rochelle, whose jazzy vocals have graced many of their tracks, is back in top form with a song to motivate dancers and clubbers to reconnect to the community.

The multi-talented musician Jaafar Aggiouri, founding member of the band Kadebostany, provides the rich and festive musical background. Remixes are produced by Wolfgang Lohr, leader of the Swing House pack.

The artistic direction of the music video has been mastered by the comedian, dancer and DJ Bastien Rieu, a long time partner of the B&B duet. This homemade video takes a look at “confined life”, highlighting the desire to party still alive inside us all.

“Hey You! (I heard you wanna party)” is released on digital on December 18, 2020 and is available in its original version on the Bart&Baker annual playlist Electro Swing Party Volume 3 – also on Wagram Music.

Stream & Download “Bart&Baker feat. Nicolle Rochelle – Hey You!” HERE!


01. Bart&Baker feat. Nicolle Rochelle – Hey You (I Heard You Wanna Party)
02. Bart&Baker feat. Nicolle Rochelle – Hey You (Wolfgang Lohr Remix)
03. Bart&Baker feat. Nicolle Rochelle – Hey You (Wolfgang Lohr Remix) [Instrumental]

Release Date: 2020-12-18
Label: Bart & Baker Music
Composer: Bart Sampson, Mister Jo Baker
Lyrics: Nicolle Rochelle

Electro Swing Radio