Tag Archive for: Electro Ska

DJ Weide and Bonny Bee come again, this time you find a spacy Electro Swing version of the Steve Miller Band classic “Fly like an Eagle”…

What happens when three SKA addicts start working together on Electro Music? You are right: the first Electro Ska song you have ever heard will happen! DJ Weide and Bonny Bee…

Dj Weide (Jens Weidenheimer) is a professional drummer and producer from Heidelberg. He studied drums and still…

Bonny Bee is a musician and composer based near Heidelberg. Until today she is a permament member in two live bands…

Rise to the heights of your freedom – like an eagle! DJ Weide feat. Bonny Bee – „Fly Like an Eagle”. What is freedom for you? For me, it is spontaneous…

Electro Swing Radio