Electro Swing News 06

By LadyDot – March 2023

February is the shortest month of the year. Before it started for good, it was already over. But fortunately, there was so much going on that I had to make a really big selection of my Electro Swing news this time! I’ve got a lot of interesting information for you, great news and above all, a lot of musical inspiration.

In the sixth article of the Electro Swing News series, I will tell you about the success of Electro Swing Thing, a new Electro Swing band, fresh, fantastic singles (which my husband, Michał, will assess especially for you!) and how you can help Lamuzgueule (and you know very well that they are one of my favourite Electro Swing bands!) to release their new album!

Quick Electro Swing News

-> The Electro Swing Thing channel already has 100,000 subscribers on YouTube! This is a huge success for Wolfgang Lohr and his team, who have worked hard to make Electro Swing as a musical genre even more recognisable and popular worldwide. And in fact, as I write this news, the figure already stands at 104,000. This is truly an amazing achievement and I will keep my fingers crossed that Electro Swing Thing continues to grow so brilliantly all the time – both as a label and as a music blog! :)

-> In February, many Electro Swing artists released tour information and their participation in summer festivals. Thanks to this, we already know that:

  • Electric Swing Circus will perform at Swingamajig and Wychwood Festival
  • Mista Trick are gearing up for a UK tour. Freshly Squeezed Music’s post reveals that from the 19th to the 24th of April, he will also be playing other venues in Europe. No word yet on which countries his tour will cover, but hopefully we’ll find out soon!

Quick Electro Swing News

  • The band Lamuzgueule have already planned a tour of France, and will also play in Switzerland, Germany, the Czech Republic and the UK. And if you haven’t had the chance to see this band live yet, I wholeheartedly recommend you to buy tickets, because they have amazing energy! 😊 I still have great memories of their gig in Grenoble, and you can read a report from that event HERE.
  • I have discovered another Electro Swing band and I absolutely have to share this information with you! Why? Because Tarmac Rodéo from France, as this band is referred to, is pure, genuine and incredibly danceable Electro Swing of the Swingrowers’ calibre. By the way, listen to their new single – ‘Jukebox’. Well, as you can see, the similarities with the Swingrowers don’t only end with the title of the song (‘Jukebox’, as well 🙂), because frankly, the singer’s charisma reminds me of the passion with which Loredana Grimaudo sang. I’ll be eagerly following their work, as I’m very intrigued by them and feel that they can bring a lot of freshness and a good Electro Swing vibe! Their album release is on the 10th of March – I can’t wait!
  • Johnny James Wright (I’m sure you’re familiar with his fantastic Electro Swing banger – ‘Big Bad Wolf’) announces the release of his second studio album, ‘Tales From The 45’. I am very, very curious about the new songs that will be on this album. The release is on the 14th of April, and it happens to be my birthday on that day. 😊 That means I’ll have the perfect musical gift. I’m sure of it!

Let’s Help Lamuzgueule Release Their New Album!

When Electro Swing artists ask me for help, I’m always happy to do what I can to show them support. Especially when it’s about something really important! As you know, I’m in charge of the physical production of CD’s and LP’s at a Polish music label on a daily basis. I know how much work, effort and money it takes to produce an album. The many hours of work of the photographer, then the graphic designer, then the person who coordinates the whole process and finally the production order to the printing house and the pressing plant… Not to mention the cost of hiring a recording studio or artistic supervision.

I love Lamuzgueule and understand that without the support of their fans, releasing their new album can be quite difficult. Therefore, I wholeheartedly encourage you to pre-order their album ‘I AM ANACHRONIC’. In addition to this album (and I assure you it will definitely be beautifully produced. I have two Lamuzgueule albums in my collection and they are polished in every way – both musically and visually) you can also get lots of surprises from the band. You can check out the details, the link to the collection and the list of gifts HERE!

Electro Swing Single Releases – February 2023

Another month – another Electro Swing news! I, as every month, create a list of freshly released singles especially for you. And since it’s Valentine’s Day in February, this time the ratings are awarded together with me… my husband, Michał! 😊 As a reminder, we rated all the songs on a scale: one heart – I like it. Two hearts – I like it a lot. Three hearts: the single is brilliant!

♥♥♥ Balduin, Annella – “Oops Sorry” – 3rd of February
♥♥ Masha Ray – “Bang Bang” – 3rd of February
♥♥♥ Tarmac Rodéo – “Jukebox” – 3rd of February
♥♥♥! Lamuzgueule, The Swing Bot – “PLEINS PHARES” – 10th of February
♥♥♥ Deladap, Melinda Stoika – “ShoBeeDoo” – 10th of February
♥♥ The Soulmate Project – “Swing & Dance” – 19th of February
♥♥ Madam Misfit – “Chu Chi Face” – 14th of February
♥♥ Witch Hands – “Get Down” – 17th of February
♥♥♥ Swahn & Lord Beaverbottom – “The Crooked Boogie” – 17th of February
♥ James Jive – “Swing All Day” – 23rd of February
♥♥♥! Wolfgang Lohr & Ashley Slater – “Friend Like Me” – 24th of February

You can find all of these tracks and more in our “Electro Swing Hits” playlist on Spotify HERE!

My Top 3 Electro Swing Songs – February 2023

Okay, since Michał has been evaluating new singles with me, this time I’ll present you with OUR collective top 3 Electro Swing songs that we listened to the most in February. P.S. You just found out which Electro Swing artists Michał likes the most! 😊

Your LadyDot

Written by LadyDot (Ja, Wizeruk) Date: 2023-03-06

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