Electro Swing News 03

By LadyDot – December 2022

I’ll honestly admit to you that November was a very hard month for me – I really had a lot of work at the music label and produced a lot of CDs and vinyls. But the satisfaction was really great! I have the same feeling whenever I write Electro Swing News for you. To prepare an article like this, I have to do a very thorough research, which of course takes some time.

And once I’ve written it, I’m so happy to share with you what I’ve just found out about Electro Swing, the artists and their successes, and what fantastic singles I’ve discovered (and probably wouldn’t have done if it wasn’t for keeping a close eye on the information posted on social media). Read, listen, get inspired and see how many different things are happening in the Electro Swing world! :)

Quick Electro Swing News

  • This is probably the biggest news of the last few months! Did you know that Caravan Palace’s song, ‘Lone Digger’ (I’m sure you all know it very well!), was featured in the soundtrack of the latest Disney movie, ‘Strange World’? This is a huge achievement for both this fantastic, iconic band and for Electro Swing! It’s great that the music we love and believe in is starting to reach more and more people. I for one firmly believe that such success awaits other Electro Swing artists too – I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you! And to Caravan Palace, congratulations from the bottom of my heart – I adore you and know that a golden time is coming for you! :)
  • LVDS is working on their second album! “Golden Days”, which is an album released in December 2020, totally wowed me. Quite simply, the songs on this album inspired me to such an extent that I decided to write my first review. And it was this review that contributed to my collaboration with Electro Swing Thing just one month later! :) So I can’t wait for the next LVDS album – we’ll have to wait a bit longer, as the release won’t be until the 31st of March, but I think it’s definitely worth the patience!

  • On the 30th of October Mind Blowing Orchestra played a concert in Warsaw. Unfortunately, I couldn’t be there because I had to leave the city. I really regret it, because I love their music. Besides, during the tour, the band was collecting money for aid for Ukraine. It’s a really fantastic event and I hope I can go to their show next time.
  • Gayle Skidmore, who recorded the great single ‘Dance Alone’ with LVDS, is working on another Electro Swing song. And this is a perfect example of how Electro Swing really is addictive and captivating. Great, I’ll be waiting for more info!
  • The date for the Swingamajig Festival was also announced in November – it will take place on the 30th of April 2023! It’s my birthday in April, so I don’t think I can think of a better present. I was in the UK 4 years ago, so this is the perfect excuse to go there again. Tickets are HERE!

Electro Swing Single Releases – November 2022

November in Poland was really crazy when it came to the weather. The first half of November – very warm and sunny. The second half – grey, gloomy, frosty and… snowy.

Luckily, thanks to music, it’s still cheerful in my house and I don’t have time to wallow in the autumn gloom. Today I have for you a list of Electro Swing singles that were just released in November. I have rated the songs on a scale: one heart – I like it. Two hearts – I like it a lot. Three hearts: the track is brilliant!

♥♥ Speakeasy Streets – “Brooklyn Cats” – this track premiered on 27 October and I have no idea how I could have left it out of the last part of Electro Swing News, because it’s really very good!
♥♥ Chanterelle – “Dim Dim Didim” – 1st November
♥♥♥! Lamuzgueule – “Ascendant Brasier” – 4th November
♥♥♥ Masha Ray – “Roulette” – 4th November
♥♥♥ LVDS – “Rum & Coke” – 11st November
♥♥ Little Violet & Alfredo Rey and His Orchestra – “Like a Virgin” – 11st November
♥♥ Betty Booom & Retronic – “The Beat Goes On” – 18th November
♥♥♥! Balduin & Wolfgang Lohr (feat. J Fitz) – “Magic Man” – 18th November
♥♥♥ Moira – “Limonade” (Klischée Remix) – 18th November
♥♥ Yuna Okada – “LOVE” – 25th November
♥♥♥ The Soulmate Project & Might be Vero – “Laisse-Toi Tomber” – 25th November

Electro Swing Album Releases – November 2022

This month we had two really hot album premieres. In a nutshell:

→ 18th November saw the release of ‘Welcome to the World’, by French band Jive Me. Their first album, which was simply ‘Jive Me’, was a real Electro Swing bomb! This latest CD, on the other hand, is pure electronic music, combined with rich instrumentation and fantastic, charming and incredibly original vocals. I am already listening to this album for the third time, how about you? :)

Madam Misfit’s album ‘Pandora’s Box’ was released on 21 November. As we know, in mythology, Pandora’s box symbolised the accumulation of problems and misfortunes. However, it turns out that there is still… hope at the bottom of it. Fortunately, we don’t have to wait until the very end of the album to find out, because there is a message, a depth in each of them… And all this with the addition of really good music, fantastic melodic rapping and that distinctive, specific sense of humour that Madam Misfit spreads around!

My Top 3 Electro Swing songs – November 2022

This time I’m not going to give you my top three most listened to Electro Swing tracks. Why? Because, as you may have noticed, in my ranking of premiere singles, I rated them all with two or three hearts. However, two of them received three hearts with an exclamation mark. And guess what? These are the songs I listened to the most in November (when it comes to Electro Swing, of course :)).

We are of course talking about Balduin & Wolfgang Lohr (feat. J Fitz) – ‘Magic Man’ and Lamuzgueule – ‘Ascendant Brasier’. But if I had to choose the one I listened to over and over again, it would definitely be Lamuzgueule’s single. I love this track and I think you will love it too.

Kisses! Your LadyDot

Written by LadyDot (Ja, Wizeruk) Date: 2022-12-05

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