WhyNot (Afterwork 2) – Electro Swing Dance

It’s the return of the big red door and some smooth moves by the talented dancer WhyNot. This time he is performing to the Hit the Road Jack Electro Swing Cover by Wolfgang Lohr & Maskarade. He’s currently a real hit on our TikTok channel, which is causing a lot of attention and sensation! Convince yourself of his joy in dancing, energy and super flowing moves!

WhyNot comes from France and he has been dancing to Electro Swing since 2013. He first earned some audience when his video got published by Huffingtonpost and YouTube Nations back theb.

His recent video reached over 1 million views on YT with the Bella Ciao remix from Klischée. In April 2016 he also won the dance contest with Sven Otten (JSM) which allowed him to meet and dance with JustSomeMotion in Berlin! 🎬🎺💃🎷🕺🎥


– Video & Dancer: WhyNot
– Music: Wolfgang Lohr & Maskarade – Hit the Road Jack (Electro Swing Cover)

Electro Swing Radio