Electro Swing News 09

By LadyDot – June 2023

May has indeed been very warm and sunny this year! The weather was great and the Electro Swing artists were not idle and released a whole lot of singles and albums. This time I’ll start with a request to all Electro Swing artists who read my articles (and I know there are a lot of you here! 😊).

I’m going on holiday in the second half of July, but I can’t leave my beloved readers without new reviews! If you’re planning to release an album or single in July, be sure to write to me, send songs, artwork, whatever you have. I’ll be happy to write about it. And one more thing: if you’re going to play a gig in Europe this summer, let me know about it too!

Maybe I’ll be nearby (or have the opportunity to go there) and then I’d love to meet you live! And maybe I will write a report about your gig… 😊 My email: jawizeruk@gmail.com

Quick Electro Swing News

  • In May, something happened that I totally didn’t expect – I got the news that after I published my review of Lamuzgueule’s new album, ‘I AM ANACHRONIC’, their stats started to skyrocket, and Poland (which is the country I’m from), was in the TOP3 listeners of the band! Germany and the United States are also on the podium. I never expected my articles to have such incredible power. But all this would not have been possible without you, my dear readers. Thank you for reading my reviews, news and interviews. Thank you that Electro Swing artists can count on your support. Thank you for listening to their songs, recommending them to your friends and making Electro Swing carry into the world! 😊 And Lamuzgueule congratulates you wholeheartedly and I hope this is only the beginning of their great successes!
  • Electro Swing artists are finally announcing their summer tours! I’m always excited to hear more gig news – I love listening to Electro Swing tunes at home, but I much prefer attending gigs. I love the excitement, the energy, the summer vibe… For now, official tour dates have already been posted by Deluxe and Jive Me. I might be able to go to one of these concerts. Or maybe two? Or maybe more? 😊 I look forward to new information!
  • Do you like Balkan music? I really like these rhythms, they remind me of my two trips to the Balkans, a land full of excellent food, beautiful, breathtaking views and lovely people. Now you can find them in one place – DJ KimSka has specially created a Balkan Bangers Mix for you, which you can listen to here, on the streaming platform of your choice: LISTEN HERE!

Electro Swing Single Releases – May 2023

Last month, the Electro Swing News article was already published on 1 May, which meant that I didn’t manage to mention to you those singles that were released at the end of April. Of course, I have to make up for it now! There were so many songs premiered in May that I hope I didn’t leave any out.

Do you remember my rating scale? One heart – I like it. Two hearts: I like it a lot. Three hearts: the song is brilliant!

You can find all of these tracks and more in our “Electro Swing Hits” playlist on Spotify HERE!

Electro Swing Album Releases – May 2023

Oh, there are two albums released in May that you absolutely cannot miss! And did you know that the best thing you can do to support your favourite artists is to listen to their tracks and then recommend them to your friends? That’s what I do and as a result, most of my friends have a minimum of one Electro Swing song on their playlist of favourites! 😊

  • Lamuzgueule – “I AM ANACHRONIC” – released 5th of May. I had the pleasure of reviewing this album quite recently, so I highly encourage you to read my review, which can be found HERE.
  • Yabloko Moloko‘Rumble Disco Machine’ – released 19th of May. I’ll honestly admit that I had no idea what to expect from Yabloko Moloko’s new album. However, I was sure that it would be an incredibly energetic album, full of sunshine and summer sounds. These 8 tracks, included on the album “Rumble Disco Machine”, form a totally coherent whole. They complement each other perfectly and are extremely polished. What I really like is the use of the vibraphone sound, combined with saxophone and piano sounds and electronic effects. This is really good! My favourite tracks: ‘Take That’, ‘Rumble Disco Machine’, ‘Grace’s Secret’.

My Top 3 Electro Swing Tracks – May 2023

In a previous article in the Electro Swing News series, I wrote to you about how I couldn’t stop listening to one mysterious Electro Swing song. I can now tell you that it was ‘BANG BANG’ by the band Lamuzgueule. As you can see, this single still tops my top 3 Electro Swing songs in May. Who knows, maybe in June a completely different track will steal my heart? 😊

Kisses Your LadyDot

Written by LadyDot (Ja, Wizeruk) Date: 2023-06-05

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